Shailini George

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Legal Writing

B.S., Miami University
J.D., Boston College Law School

Email: [email protected]

Professional Identity and Well-Being

Shailini George


Shailini George will serve as Distinguishing Visiting Professor of Legal Writing for the 2024-2025 academic year at Stetson Law.

Professor George teaches legal writing, and her scholarship focuses in the areas of lawyer well-being, mindfulness, and the cognitive science of learning. She is the author of The Law Student’s Guide to Doing Well and Being Well (Carolina Academic Press), as well as the co-author of Mindful Lawyering: The Key to Creative Problem Solving (Carolina Academic Press), and law review articles on distraction and the cognitive science of learning and why law students need mindfulness training. Professor George was recently elected to the Executive Committee for the AALS Balance and Wellbeing in Law Section and was the winner of the section’s inaugural section award in January of 2022. Professor George also was recently appointed to the Institute for Well-Being in Law’s Research and Scholarship Committee. Professor George is highly involved in the national legal writing community, having served on the Association of Legal Writing Directors Board, the Executive Committee of the AALS Section on Legal Writing, Research and Reasoning, and co-chaired various committees of the Legal Writing Institute.