Alfredo Garcia

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law

B.A., Jacksonville University
M.A., University of Florida
J.D., University of Florida, Frederic G. Levin College of Law

Email: [email protected]

Criminal Law

Alfredo Garcia


Professor Alfredo Garcia is an eminent scholar with a wealth of experience as an administrator, faculty member, and legal practitioner.

In addition to his vast administrative experience, Professor Garcia possesses more than 17 years of law faculty teaching experience and more than two decades of higher education teaching experience.

Professor Garcia’s publications include three books: Criminal Law: Concepts and Practice, with Podgor, Henning, and Taslitz (Carolina Press, 2005); The Fifth Amendment: A Comprehensive Approach (Greenwood, 2002); and The Sixth Amendment in Modern American Jurisprudence: A Critical Perspective (Greenwood, 2002); as well as three entries in the Oxford Encyclopedia of American Law and extensive law review articles for journals including Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy and the University of Toledo Law Review. He has also served as Vice Chair of the Race and Racism in Criminal Justice Subcommittee of the ABA’s Criminal Justice Committee and on the Editorial Board of Human Rights Magazine, published by the ABA.

Prior to entering academia, Professor Garcia was an Assistant State Attorney in Miami. He also served as a criminal defense attorney in private practice in Miami. In addition to his extensive trial and motion experience, Professor Garcia has extensive appellate experience preparing briefs and arguing cases at the United States 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Third District Court of Appeals (Florida).

Born in Cuba, he earned his B.A. from Jacksonville University and earned both his M.A. and his J.D. from the University of Florida.