International Wildlife Law Conference Archives
19th International Wildlife Law Conference
The 19th International Wildlife Law Conference (IWLC-19) was held on June 3-4, 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. The conference was hosted by the University of Barcelona Faculty of Law in partnership with Stetson's Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy. IWLC-19 brought together a variety of professionals involved in wildlife conservation, including lawyers, policymakers, and scientists. The event included presentations on a range of legal and policy frameworks related to wildlife protection and conservation, including the following:
- Coastal and near-shore biodiversity
- UNCLOS and the conservation of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction
- Ethical and legal issues related to trophy hunting
- International scientific assessments and their implementation into international and domestic legal regimes
- Increasing the effectiveness of protected areas
The Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy welcomes the submission of manuscripts based on IWLC-19 presentations.
IWLC-19 was organized by:
- Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Dret
- Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, Stetson University College of Law
- Proyecto DER2017-85406: "Diversidad biológica y derecho Internacional: Nuevos problemas y tendencias," Gobierno de España, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
- Jean Monnet Chair on EU Environmental Law (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Centre d'Estudis de Dret Ambiental de Tarragona (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)
18th International Wildlife Law Conference
The 18th International Wildlife Law Conference was held April 18-19, 2018, in Tilburg, the Netherlands. The conference was organized by Tilburg University's Department of European and International Public Law in partnership with the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy of Stetson University College of Law.
The two keynote speakers were Michael Bowman (associate professor at the University of Nottingham's School of Law) and David Macdonald (founder and director of the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at the University of Oxford). The conference included presentations on a range of legal and policy frameworks for achieving transboundary conservation, including, inter alia, the various global and regional wildlife treaties and the European Union's Nature Directives.
A post-conference field trip to National Park ‘De Biesbosch' was held on April 20, in partnership with Staatsbosbeheer. A typical Dutch wetland, the Biesbosch is the scene of successful habitat restoration projects, and beaver, osprey, and white-tailed eagle have recently returned as reproducing species. The area was explored on foot as well as by boat, and the field trip also included a visit to the state-of-the-art Biesbosch Museum Island.
17th International Wildlife Law Conference
The 17th International Wildlife Law Conference was held in Pune, India at the Institute of Environment Education and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Jan. 6-9, 2017.
The conference was held for the first time in Asia and was jointly organized by Stetson University College of Law's Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy and the Institute of Environment Education and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune, India, along with the Chair of International Master of Environmental Science Programme, University of Cologne, Germany.
The conference brought together wildlife law experts from governmental, non-governmental, and academic sectors, who discussed the following aspects of wildlife law and policy:
- Wildlife crime and the law: International accords and treaties
- Wildlife trade: Challenges across the borders
- National policy and legal frameworks to curb wildlife trade
- Wildlife law enforcement: New approaches
- Capacity building for wildlife law enforcement
- Culture, tradition, and wildlife law
- Wildlife, traditional knowledge, biotechnology, and the law
- Urban environments and wildlife law
The best papers from the conference will be published in a special edition of the Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy.
Post Conference Tour: Kanha Tiger Reserve
Attendees were able to participate in an exciting field visit to Kanha Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh, part of the extremely fascinating central India tiger landscape. One of the finest wildlife areas of the world, this tiger reserve is spread across 1945 sq. kms. With varied landscapes, this region was the source of inspiration for Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. The park hosts the most famed Indian tiger with a host of other mammals and is a treasure trove for bird watchers.
For additional information, contact:
Professor Shamita Kumar
Institute of Environment Education and Research
Bharati Vidyapeeth University
Katraj-Dhankawadi, Pune 411043
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +91-20-24375684, 24362155
16th International Wildlife Law Conference
Stetson Law hosted the 16th International Wildlife Law Conference in Gulfport, Florida, on April 13-14, 2016. Speakers, students, and attendees from around the world participated in this year's conference and addressed topics such as hunting, fishing, and other impacts on wildlife, as well as connections and collaborations across multilateral environmental agreements. This year's conference was held in conjunction with the International Finals of the 20th Annual Stetson International Environmental Moot Court Competition and included presentations from student participants.
Featured speakers:
- Marceil Yeater, Former Chief, Legal Affairs and Trade Policy, Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- Elizabeth Gitari, Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and Legal Affairs Manager, WildlifeDirect
- Dr. Lawrence E. Killmar, Zoo Director, Sr. VP Animal Science and Conservation, and Chief Zoological Officer, Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo
- Read More and View the Photo Slideshow
- View Presentation Materials - Professor Nadia B. Ahmad
- View Presentation Materials - Dr. Wil Burns
- View Presentation Materials - Professor Rommel J. Casis
- View Presentation Materials - Melissa Lewis
- View Presentation Materials - Jaclyn Lopez
- View Presentation Materials - Professor Annecoos Wiersema
- View Presentation Materials - Marceil Yeater
- View the Agenda
15th International Wildlife Law Conference
The 15th International Wildlife Law Conference was held in Granada, Spain on March 26-27, 2015. Organized by the University of Granada Faculty of Law, the European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime (EFFACE), and Stetson University College of Law's Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, the conference brought together wildlife law experts from the governmental, NGO, and academic sectors. The keynote speaker was Dr. Ludwig Krämer, a professor and top expert on environmental law and policy in the EU.
Other speakers covered topics such as:
- Environmental crimes and wildlife
- Perspectives on environmental prosecutions
- Science and compliance mechanisms in biodiversity agreements
- Innovative approaches to and updates on protecting wildlife and biodiversity