Insurance Law Association

Are you interested in insurance law but haven't been exposed to it as much as you'd like? Have you taken insurance law and want to learn more? Want to learn about personal insurance tips from local professionals? ILA's Purpose 1. to provide an arena for those students who share an interest in insurance law and wish to engage in discussion of insurance related topics including but not limited to: auto, liability, disability, property, etc. 2. to promote awareness of insurance related issues and current events ongoing in our society, as well as to teach valuable lessons of insurance to members for their own personal benefit. 3. to provide opportunities for students who wish to work and or gain experience in insurance related practices.


Justin Gutierrez

[email protected]

Vice President

Benjamin Young

[email protected]


Dustin Zimmermann

[email protected]


Lea Christensen Bueno

[email protected] 

Event Coordinator

Thomas Corey

[email protected]


Prof. Peter Lake

[email protected]