Legal Communication Training and Consulting
Through our training and consulting services, including our well-received Legal Writing Academy, institute faculty share their knowledge and expertise with those practicing law and those working in law related professions.
The Legal Writing Academy is a continuing legal education advanced legal writing program that allows in-depth exploration of legal writing topics. The academy includes interactive training and break-out sessions on legal writing techniques. Our first academy, "Persuasive Legal Writing: What Every Lawyer Should Know," covers applied storytelling techniques, advances in persuasion studies, and editing for persuasion.
Our faculty have also done professional training—in person and online—for lawyers, paralegals, and other legal professionals. This training has addressed business communication skills, writing for readability and comprehension, writing for on-screen reading, email writing, letter writing, affidavit writing, narrative report writing, persuasive writing, legal analysis, legal citation, and legal research.
Who We've Worked With
- Arizona Attorney General's Office
- Arizona Judicial Conference
- Central Florida Paralegal Association
- Citigroup Inc.
- Florida Bar Standing Committee on Professionalism
- Florida Department of Children and Families
- Florida Trial Court Staff Attorneys Association
- Association for Family and Conciliation Courts, Florida Chapter, Eldercaring Coordination Task Force
- National Association for Elder Law Attorneys
- Private law firms
- Business organizations
What They Are Saying About Institute Training
- “I believe that this is one of the best trainings I have attended all year.”
- “Enjoyed the step-by-step process and the simplicity.”
- “Love that there were activities. I did not get bored.”
- "Information was exceptionally helpful and clear. The examples helped to clarify the ideas and make the ideas more concrete."
- "One of the best CLEs I've ever attended."
- "The program was excellent. I came expecting to learn something valuable however, the program exceeded my expectations."
- "The presentation was helpful, practical and relevant."
- "Great balance of personalities. Materials and speakers were engaging and kept my attention."