Trial Team - Prospective Members
Students become members of the Trial Team by demonstrating their skills during a competition tryout process that is conducted just prior to the start of fall classes. Students who possess a drive for excellence and wish to hone their advocacy skills are strongly encouraged to seek membership on the Trial Team.
- Must have completed Research and Writing II.
- Must have two full semesters remaining (NOT including the summer semester). The semester in which you are currently enrolled counts as one semester.
- Must have completed Evidence with at least a grade of 2.5, be enrolled in Evidence in the fall, or be eligible to be enrolled in Evidence in the fall.
- Must have completed Trial Advocacy with at least a grade of 3.0, be enrolled in Trial Ad in the fall, or be eligible to be enrolled in Trial Ad in the fall.
- If an advocate, who will be enrolled in either or both Trial Ad and Evidence in the fall does not earn a grade equal to or above the minimum listed above, he or she may later be dropped from the team.
- Must be in good academic standing.
You must meet the above requirements and be willing to commit the time, energy and dedication to become a member of this championship team. Students selected for the team are given the opportunity to compete in state, regional and national mock trial competitions.