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Youth String Registration

Please complete the form below to register for the Youth String Program with the Stetson University Community School of Music.

Checks should be made payable to Stetson University. Credit cards are accepted. Payment plans are available. A 10% discount is available to Stetson University employees and parents registering more than one student.

Student Information

(if under 18)

Parent/Guardian Information

Personal Information

  • Please make sure you fill out a separate form for each child.
  • Each child must have the same parent/guardian listed.

Mailing Address

Payment Information


Checks may be submitted to the School of Music administrative office, located on the first floor of Presser Hall, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Checks may also be mailed to

Sara ScarpelliCommunity School of Music421 N. Woodland Blvd., Unit 8399DeLand, FL 32723

Once you have submitted this form, please contact Sara Scarpelli ([email protected]) to set up the payment plan.