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Stetson University Social Media Status Request

Please fill out the information below to request status for a Stetson University social media account. Per our Social Media Policy, each account must have a minimum of two social administrators who have access to the account. This is to avoid any unexpected inability to control the account if one of the administrators leaves the university or is unavailable in case of emergency. Student-run accounts must have a faculty or staff member as one of the social administrators. Each account requesting status must apply all status Requirements.

Request Information

Social Administrator Information #1

Social Administrator Information #2

Social Administrator Information #3

Account Information

Please list the name and link below for each account requesting status.











I agree that the purpose of the above listed social media account(s) is to positively promote a Stetson University area and the events and news pertaining to it. As the appointed social media administrator for the above account(s), I will ensure all content is related to the university and does not contain any offensive, suggestive or accusatory material. I have read and agree to all of the documents found on the Stetson University Social Media webpage.