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Scholarship Recipient Agreement

The merit scholarship provides an award annually to the recipient for up to four (4) years, maximum eight (8) semesters, or receipt of bachelor's degree (whichever occurs first) for undergraduate study at Stetson University. Semesters exempted through transfer credit and enrolled semesters which were not satisfactory, do count towards your 8 semesters and will be reduced accordingly.

  1. A minimum cumulative college grade point average of 2.0 (on a 4 point scale) is required for renewal of the award. In addition, a student must be enrolled in at least 3 units or more each semester to remain eligible for the scholarship. It is recommended that students enroll in 4 units in order to graduate in the allotted time. Scholarships may not be available after four years, unless otherwise noted.
  2. A student will be given a one semester probationary period without a decrease in their merit based scholarship(s) if the cumulative GPA is below a 2.0. If the cumulative GPA does not meet the minimum standards after the probationary period, the scholarships will be suspended.
  3. Each recipient of the merit scholarship is encouraged to apply for all state and federally funded need-based financial assistance (grants/scholarships) for which he or she might be eligible.
  4. Additional awards and grants that are not merit based, such as the Travel Scholarship, are offered for one year only and are not renewable for future academic years.
  5. Each recipient of the merit scholarship agrees to allow the use of his or her biographical and academic information in publications of the University.
  6. The University may adjust awards to comply with federal and state regulations in those instances when the student is eligible for state or federal grants through need-based financial aid programs. Also, adjustments may be made to accommodate other scholarship awards. The University will not award scholarship amounts in excess of actual educational costs at Stetson, and most scholarships are awarded to cover the cost of tuition only. Most scholarships are awarded with the expectation that the student will live on campus.
  7. Some scholarships may be used to pay for tuition, standard housing, meals, books or supplies. Students who graduate early (in less than eight semesters) may not apply future unused dollars toward earlier semesters' costs. This scholarship is not applicable to enrollment in Stetson's School of Law or any other graduate program.
  8. At a later time, the name of the scholarship may be updated if you are paired with a donor or organization who has underwritten and contributed to this scholarship package. In many cases, these donor-funded scholarships either partially or wholly fund a merit award; therefore they are not an addition to an existing Stetson scholarship.
  9. If selected for a donor-funded scholarship, the recipient agrees to annually write thank you notes, complete an online profile, and attend the Benefactor Luncheon, if requested, in addition to maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA (unless otherwise stated in the scholarship criteria).
  10. Merit award disbursements are split equally between fall and spring semesters as merit scholarship packages do not apply to the summer semester.
  11. Students who take approved leave of absence or withdraw in good standing from Stetson and do not attend another college or university during the academic school year are, if re-admitted to the University, eligible to renew their merit award based on original terms and conditions. Merit award reinstatement following an emergency leave is reviewed on an individual basis. Students who leave Stetson to attend another college forfeit their merit funds. If you are suspended from Stetson University, merit awards are not reinstated in the event of your re-entry and any future funds for which you might be eligible will be awarded based on individual case by case basis.
  12. Study-abroad and summer-only classes, if approved by Stetson University, can be taken at another institution without forfeiting your funds.
  13. The University does reserve the right to rescind or revise any financial aid award to ensure accuracy (including but not limited to: typographical or data entry errors, unverified or incomplete information), and abide by regulations.
  14. If, at a later date, you qualify for an additional higher-level award from Stetson, your merit award will be adjusted or superseded so that you will receive the more advantageous offer, but not both.

Personal Information


As a recipient of a merit scholarship, I understand and accept the stipulations and guidelines cited above.