Academic Internship Course Registration - Faculty

To receive academic credit for an internship, students must enroll in the internship course offered by the academic department and complete the Academic Internship Course Registration process below.

Initiate Academic Internship Course Registration

  1. Meet with the student to learn about the internship they have obtained and how it relates to their academics. The Internship Approval Criteria, developed by the Faculty Internship Council, provide a rubric for evaluating internship experiences eligible for academic credit. Note: International students may also need approval from WORLD to be eligible for Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
  2. Faculty Internship Course Instructors may choose to utilize the Internship Pre-Approval Form to gain specific information about the student's internship. The information in this form may be useful to the student when they complete the Academic Internship Application in MyStetson.
  3. If you determine that the student's experience meets your department's criteria for academic internships, log in to MyStetson to submit a Permission of Instructor (PI) override to allow the student to register for the Academic Internship Course.

Finalize Academic Internship Course Registration

Faculty Instructor

  1. Once a student has submitted their Academic Internship Registration Form, you will receive an automatic email promoting you to log in to Dynamic Forms (via Mystetson) to review the application.
  2. Review and approve or deny the Academic Internship Application.  If denied, you will be able to provide feedback to students on how to improve their applications. If approved, your Department Chair will receive a notification to review the student's application. You can view video instructions on how to fill out the form.
  3. Once the application has been signed and submitted by your Department Cahir, the student will receive an email confirming the completion of each step.

Department Chair

  1. After the Faculty Internship Course Instructor has approved a student's Academic Internship Application, you will receive an automatic email prompting you to log in to Dynamic Forms (via MyStetson) to review the student's application. You can view video instructions on how to fill out the form.
  2. Review and approve or deny the Academic Internship Registration Form.

Internship Evaluations

These templates can be customized as desired by Faculty Internship Course Instructors.  

General Internship Information

If students have questions about internship course registration, please refer them to the Student Academic Internship webpage that outlines the steps they need to complete. Please refer students to the OneStop Tab of their MyStetson account to view the status of their digital paperwork.

All registration requirements must be completed by the Internship Registration Deadline for each semester, as noted on the Academic Calendar (DeLand Campus), or students risk being administratively withdrawn from their internship course.

For general questions, please contact Career and Professional Development at 386-822-7315 or email [email protected].