Ukrainian government strikes at interests of Moscow church


RISU, 28 November 2018


The cabinet of ministers returned the buildings of the Pochaev Holy Dormition lavra (Pochaev, Ternopol oblast) to the inventory of the Kremenets-Pochaev State Historical and Architectural Reserve, Ukrainskie Novosti reports.


The corresponding order of the cabinet of ministers was adopted at a session on Wednesday.


The cabinet of ministers cancelled its resolution No. 438 of 17 July 2003 "On removal of the buildings of the Pochaev Holy Dormition lavra from the inventory of the Kremenets-Pochaev State Historical and Architectural Reserve."


We recall that in November the Anti-Hostile Takeover Commission of the Ministry of Justice cancelled the state registration (removed from the register) of the right of usage of the Pochaev Holy Dormition lavra in Ternopol oblast by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and it transferred it back to the administration of the Kremenets Pochaev State Historical and Architectural Reserve.


The commission of the Ministry of Justice came to the conclusion that the registering agency had violated the requirements of current legislation in registering the right of usage of the building complex of the lavra.


Earlier the Ministry of Culture requested the Ministry of Justice to cancel the transfer for usage by the UPTsMP of immovable property of the Pochaev Holy Dormition lavra in Ternopol oblast.


The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate declared that the decision of the Ministry of Justice to cancel the registration of the building complex of the Pochaev Holy Dormition lavra as a monastery of the UPTsMP does not deprive it of the right to use it because this decision does not cancel the 2003 contract for use. (tr. by PDS, posted 28 November 2018)

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