Moscow news source disputes American view of Ukrainian issue


Interfax-Religiia, 25 September 2018


The U.S.A. considers Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to be a voice of toleration and dialogue, and it supports the proponents of Ukrainian autocephaly, an official representative of the State Department, Heather Nauert, declared.


"The United States respects the possibility of Orthodox religious leaders and believers of Ukraine to pursue the path of autocephaly in accordance with their convictions. We respect the ecumenical patriarch as a voice of religious toleration and interconfessional dialogue," Heather Nauert's statement says, which was published Tuesday on the State Department website.


The U.S.A. supports Ukraine, which, as H. Nauert expressed, "designs its own path and makes its own decisions and associations, free from external interference."


The representative of the State Department stated at the same time that the U.S.A. "decisively supports freedom of religious confession, including freedom of members of groups to manage their own religion in accordance with their convictions and freely to profess their own faith without the interference of the government."


Meanwhile, it was President Petro Poroshenko who raised the question of the receipt of a tomos concerning the creation of "a united local church" in Ukraine, which was regarded by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Moscow patriarchate as a whole and by other Orthodox churches as a crude intrusion of the state into church affairs. (tr. by PDS, posted 25 September 2018)

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