Moscow and Constantinople vie for Georgia's ear over Ukraine


RISU, 17 June 2018


The patriarchate of Georgia is being visited on 16 to 18 June by representatives of the ecumenical patriarch. As the patriarch's secretary, Archpriest Mikael Botkoveli, told IPN, the delegation includes two highly placed metropolitans of the ecumenical patriarchate. Catholicos-Patriarch of all-Georgia, His Holiness and Blessedness Ilia II will receive them tomorrow in the patriarchate, Georgia Online reports.


"The hierarchs of the ecumenical patriarchate will acquaint His Holiness with the position of the ecumenical patriarch regarding the current church problems in Ukraine," Father Mikael stated.


The archpriest said that on 17 June the hierarchs of the ecumenical patriarchate also will participate in His Holiness' Sunday liturgy. They will leave Georgia on 18 June.


We recall that in connection with the latest events regarding the Ukrainian church, on 4 June a one-day visit to the patriarchate of Georgia was made by the chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Russian church, Metropolitan Ilarion, accompanied by two persons. As the patriarchate explained, the goal of the visit was to inform about the position of the Russian church regarding recent events involving the Ukrainian church. (tr. by PDS, posted 18 June 2018)

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